Brett Jenks

Behavioral Science: The Human Element in Conservation

Aspen Global Leadership Network: Preserving the Natural Resources

When Faced with Economic Ruin, Financial Leaders Do Prioritize Climate Change

Blue Economy Panel: UN World Oceans Day 2024

Rare Conversations with Bruce McNamer

Five things that instantly make a guy hotter #shorts

University of York Professor Callum Roberts on MPAs

Sustainable Oceans Summit: Global Fisheries Panel

Blue Economy Panel - UN World Oceans Day 2024

Bayker Blankenship - Maxed Out (Official Music Video)

Jenks is one of the best underrated artists out right now

Leading on Climate Change: A Rare Conversation with President Carlos Alvarado Quesada

BE.Hive: Welcome from National Geographic's Gary Knell

This football player tried to wrestle his coach and it backfired 😂

Brett Standlee, Jenks High School Class of 2017, Swing Mechanics at 200 FPS

This Isn't Easy: A Seminar on Exercising Moral Courage

Rocky Sanchez Tirona (Managing Director), Claudia Quintanilla (Vice President), Fish Forever, Rare

The Voices Behind Arcane Characters

Former Jenks Brett Standlee talks OSU's pitching staff

2022 5A Regionals 1st place jump at Jenks.

2015 Laureates Announcement

Photographer Bill Brett On Representing The Martin Richard Vigil In Black And White

Former Jenks pitcher Brett Standlee talks playing in OSU's O'Brate Stadium versus Allie P. Reynolds

Former Jenks pitcher Bryce Osmond helps OSU get first shutout at O'Brate Stadium